$4M bond for woman who allegedly killed 5 year old boy

The 48 year old Columbus woman accused of allegedly abducting and killing 5 year old Darnell Taylor, appeared in court for the first time since her arrest. Bond was set at $4 million. the court says Pammy Maye has bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and controlling behavior. Police say Darnell was suffocated to death inside her home. Last week, a statewide Amber Alert was issued after police say they received an alarming call from Maye’s husband in which he allegedly told police, she harmed the boy and took off with him in a vehicle, which was later found in Brooklyn, a Cleveland suburb. Maye was later found in a nightgown wandering near a business in Brooklyn. In custody, Maye informed authorities where the boy’s body could be found, in a sewer drain in Columbus.